
Budimir Lončar: Simbol Hrvatske Izdaje

U 101. godini života, umro je Budimir Lončar, čovjek čije ime u hrvatskoj povijesti ostaje sinonim za izdaju i kontroverze. Rođen na hrvatskom tlu, ali s dušom koja nikada...


Ukupno HDZ + desne stranke (DP, Most, OiP, SiP, HSP) imaju više od 1,1 milijun glasova. SDP+Možemo+SD+RF+FOKUS+IDS 790,00...

Arizona uvela zakon o pobačaju iz 1864. godine. Trump prema svim anketama pobjeđuje

Nakon što je Vrhovni sud Arizone izrekao odluku kojom se gotovo u potpunosti zabranjuju pobačaji, Demokratska stranka je...

Ronald Reagan proglasio je 10. travnja Hrvatskim danom neovisnosti

U Kaliforniji, domu više od 150.000 Amerikanaca hrvatskog porijekla, Reaganov potez odražava njegovu posvećenost promicanju ekonomske, kulturne i...

Bivši inženjer Googlea tvrdi da će ljudi uskoro postati besmrtni

Poznati futurist Ray Kurzweil, koji je bio inženjer u Googleu, predviđa da će besmrtnost postati moguća do 2030....

Moroccan Salmon with Garlic Mayonnaise is Common in Southern Spain

I actually first read this as alkalizing meaning effecting pH level, and I was like, OK I guess I understand how that could positively...

Best Places to Get Your Mexican Food Fix When You Visit Mexico City

I actually first read this as alkalizing meaning effecting pH level, and I was like, OK I guess I understand how that could positively...

The Best Pork Kebabs With Grilled Plums and Couscous is Found in Poland

I actually first read this as alkalizing meaning effecting pH level, and I was like, OK I guess I understand how that could positively...

Silicon Valley Stunned by the Fulminant Slashed Investments

I actually first read this as alkalizing meaning effecting pH level, and I was like, OK I guess I understand how that could positively...

Watch Awesome Kate Halle Go Full Wiming Pro in the Bahamas

I actually first read this as alkalizing meaning effecting pH level, and I was like, OK I guess I understand how that could positively...

The Next Wave of Superheroes Has Arrived with Astonishing Speed

I actually first read this as alkalizing meaning effecting pH level, and I was like, OK I guess I understand how that could positively...